From the flap:
Will and Asheley - Brother and Sister - reveal the story of how and why their lives spun violently out of control. In the restless summer nights of an affluent California suburb, lines are blurred between love and fear, right and wrong, truth and lies, defense...and murder.
From me:
This book is super creepy, like Christopher Walken creepy. That, however, did not stop me from devouring it. It was seriously one of the weirdest books I've ever read (and I majored in English!) and it gave me the chills many, many times. Again - I could not put it down.
The story is told by Will and Asheley through what seem to be interviews with the police. You are presented with each sibling's perspective of the events that took place, namely the murders (yes, plural) and how they worked to cover them up. Throughout the story, Will is shown to be unstable, maybe bi-polar, and definitely the "bad guy," while Asheley is shown to be the innocent bystander in Will's rage. There are no parents - Mom's in rehab and step-dad/boyfriend comes to check on them once in a while (he can be creepy, too). I feel like I can't say too much more about the plot because I really don't want to ruin it. If you start the story (which all of you should), hang on until the end...especially the very last page. I may have to re-read just because of the last line in the novel.
Sean Olin has done a wonderful job at weaving a story of lies and deceit. The characters feel real - as though they are explaining their stories to you, personally. That realistic feeling is probably what makes my skin crawl, but also what keeps me reading. Fantastic book, can't wait to read everything Olin has written.